Birth of Isaac
7th Jan 2008
* Appointment with gynae. Advised to be induced since water level dropped.
* Admitted to hospital after 8, after a sumptious "last dinner" with Sunshine's family
Medicine placed at midnight
8th jan 2008
* Still only 2cm dilation next morning
* 7:20am water bag was burst manually, put on drip
* labour pains started at 7:40
* Gas relief from 9am, didn't help at all.
* asked for epidural at 9;30
* doc came at 10 and informed of risks, finished and left at 10:40
* At 1 plus, Sunshine said she was hungry :P asked to empty bladder and started pushing at 1:25.
* 2pm doc came in and put on boots and apron.
* born at 2:10pm 8 jan 2008. 3.175kg, 50.5cm long, head circumference 34cm.