Saturday 8 September 2007


Finally, I can feel sunshine kitten kicking me. I was waiting for this day to come. This is so amazing. Initially I thought it was my stomach that move itself, so I told kopicat about it. He tried to feel my belly and said "Nothing leh, don't bluff me!". One day, both of us were in front of our laptop doing our own stuff. Kopicat somehow decided to put his hands on my belly. All of sudden, he also feel something moving. :-) But the feeling is very mild. So he is still very skeptical till now if sunshine kitten is the one kicking or it is myself. :-P

The very first time that I feel that sunshine kitten is kicking is when he was about 19th week. As the days passed, I can feel his kick more frequent. :-) These days, almost every morning and night, kopicat will put his hands to feel if sunshine kitten is moving. :-)

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